Introducing the Seed Sow Grow Planting Guide

The Seed Sow Grow Guide is a simple, easy to use guide to what to plant when, how to care for your plants, and when and how to harvest. All in one place, and always available on your desktop, laptop or tablet.

No - it's not a big fancy book to flip through once, then put away to gather dust on a bookshelf! The Seed Sow Grow Guide is an interactive application - ready whenever you need it. Portable, printable, and easy to use.....

What's in the Guide?

The Seed Sow Grow Guide is comprehensive. Here's what it covers.

seed sow grow fruit guide

40 different fruits including

  • stone fruits such as peaches, plums, and cherries,
  • citrus such as oranges, lemons, and limes,
  • tropical fruits such as bananas and paw paws,
  • berries, melons, and other fruits such as passionfruit
seed sow grow herb guide

Almost 20 different herbs including

  • basil
  • rosemary
  • thyme
  • lemongrass and many more
seed sow grow vegetable guide

Over 40 different vegetables including

  • salad vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce, and radishes,
  • root vegetables such as carrots, turnips and parsnips,
  • climbers such as beans and peas,
  • winter vegetables such as cabbage and cauliflower

plants a to z guide
  • A complete A to Z Guide of all the plants explaining the best time and method to plant, feed, harvest and propagate
detailed guide for planting, feeding, harvesting, pruning and propagation
  • A detailed guide for planting, feeding, harvesting, pruning and propagation
planting guide by month
  • A guide by month which shows what to plant, feed, harvest and propagate in your climate zone. Plus a guide by climate zone which shows what to plant, feed, harvest and propagate each month

All this for only $49.95. That's cheaper than a year's subscription to a gardening magazine!

And the best bit .....

And the best bit is, you don't have to wait for the postman to arrive. You can download and install your Seed Sow Grow Guide immediately after payment. It couldn't be simpler. Just click the Buy Now button below, proceed to checkout (you can pay by PayPal or credit card), and once your payment has been processed, click the Return to Seed Sow Grow button to download your Guide.

buy the seed sow grow guide

Like to try before you buy?

OK - it sounds good, but you're still not sure ...... well why not try out our free trial version. It's a cut down version of the real thing, and it will let you see whether or not we're offering real value for money.

We know we are, and we're happy for you to check that for yourself.

To get our free trial version, simply fill in your details below. We'll then email you a copy of the trial version of the Seed Sow Grow Guide.

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Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident you'll love our Seed Sow Grow Guide we're offering a 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.

If you don't like it, just let us know within 30 days and we'll give you your full money back - no questions asked!

That means no risk to you.



So what are you waiting for?

To get the tastiest tomatoes, the lushest peaches, the most flavoursome basil you've ever tasted, simply click the Buy Now button below to get your copy of the Seed Sow Grow Guide. You'll be glad you did.

buy the seed sow grow guide